The Legal Cases in the Book of Mormon |
(16) |
3 Simple Explanations for the Skin of Blackness in the Book of Mormon |
(12) |
KnoWhy #399 - Is It Possible That a Single Author Wrote the Book of Mormon? (2 Nephi 27:13) |
(8) |
KnoWhy #201 - Why has 3 Nephi been called “the focal point, the supreme moment” in the Book of Mormon? (3 Nephi 11:10) |
(7) |
KnoWhy #472 - Why Does the Book of Mormon Mention Cimeters? (Mosiah 9:16) |
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Let's Get Real, Episode 0016: "This FBI investigation Proves Joseph Smith didn’t WRITE the Book of Mormon" |
(6) |
The Savior in Kirtland |
(5) |
KnoWhy #195 - Why did the “Pride Cycle” Destroy the Nephite Nation? (3 Nephi 6:10) |
(5) |
KnoWhy #194 - Why Did Mormon Introduce Himself in 3 Nephi 5? (3 Nephi 5:12) |
(4) |
KnoWhy #186 - Why Did Samuel Say the Lord “Hated” the Lamanites? (Helaman 15:4) |
(4) |
Scripture Study Insights with Tyler Griffin: Jacob 1-4 |
(4) |
KnoWhy #255 - How Does the Book of Mormon Help Date the First Christmas? (3 Nephi 1:13) |
(4) |
KnoWhy #264 - Why Are there Multiple Accounts of Joseph Smith and Alma’s Visions? (Alma 36:6-7) |
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KnoWhy #259 - Has the Location of Nephi’s Bountiful Been Discovered? (1 Nephi 17:5) |
(4) |
KnoWhy #188 - How was There a Night Without Darkness? (3 Nephi 1:15) |
(4) |
KnoWhy #18 - What Are The “Fiery Darts Of The Adversary” Spoken Of By Nephi? (1 Nephi 15:24) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #495 - Why Does the Book of Mormon Talk about a “Land of Jerusalem”? (1 Nephi 3:9) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #207 - Why Did Jesus Say That There Were “Other Sheep” Who Would Hear His Voice? (3 Nephi 15:21; cf. John 10:16) |
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Book of Mormon Evidence: What Does the Goddess Asherah Have To Do With the Tree of Life? |
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KnoWhy #200 - Why Did Jesus Christ Compare Himself to a Hen? (3 Nephi 10:4) |
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Evidence of Sunken Cities Described in the Book of Mormon |
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KnoWhy #272 - Where Can You Best Learn about God’s Plan of Salvation? (Alma 24:14) |
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KnoWhy #280 - Why Hasn’t Lehi’s DNA Been Found? (Introduction, 2013 edition of the Book of Mormon) |
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KnoWhy #319 - Why Did Lehi Divide His People Into Seven Tribes? (Jacob 1:13) |
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KnoWhy #153 - How Did Seeking a King Get in the Way of Sustaining a Prophet? (Alma 45:23) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #451 - Why Did Some in Lehi’s Time Believe that Jerusalem Could Not Be Destroyed? (1 Nephi 2:13) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #57 - What Does it Mean to be a White and Delightsome People? (2 Nephi 30:6) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #209 - Why Did Jesus Minister to the People One by One? (3 Nephi 17:21) |
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KnoWhy #69 - Why Do Certain “Treasured Words” Appear So Repeatedly in General Conference Talks (2 Nephi 25:26, 2 Nephi 32:3) |
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KnoWhy #311 - How Can One Overcome The Natural Man? (Mosiah 3:19) |
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5 Hebrew Evidences in the Book of Mormon |
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Book of Mormon Matters with John W. Welch and Lynne Hilton Wilson: 2 Nephi 31-33 |
(3) |
KnoWhy #266 - How Are the Book of Mormon’s Teaching about the Godhead Unique? (3 Nephi 11:27) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #293 - What Unique Doctrines Did the Lord Reveal through the Book of Mormon? (2 Nephi 3:11) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #515 - What Do We Know About the “Anthon Transcript”? (Mosiah 8:12) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #490 - Does the Book of Mormon Really Have “Bad” Grammar? (Ether 12:27) |
(3) |
KnoWhy #441 - Who Were the “Many Prophets” in Jerusalem During Lehi’s Time? (1 Nephi 1:4) |
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KnoWhy #139 - Why Did Alma Repeat the Lord’s Name Ten Times While in Prayer? (Alma 31:26) |
(2) |
Book of Mormon Matters with John W. Welch and Lynne Hilton Wilson: 2 Nephi 26-30 |
(2) |
KnoWhy #480 - Why Is the Book of Mormon’s Historical Authenticity So Important? (Moroni 10:27) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #314 - How Did King Benjamin Teach His People To Trust God More? (Mosiah 4:9) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #49 - Why is the Lord’s Hand “Stretched Out Still”? (2 Nephi 19:12; Isaiah 9:12) |
(2) |
Book of Mormon Matters with John W. Welch and Lynne Hilton Wilson: 2 Nephi 3–5 |
(2) |
KnoWhy #465 - How Many Others Traveled with Lehi to the Promised Land? (1 Nephi 2:5) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #81 - Why Do the Scriptures Compare Hell to an Unquenchable Fire? (Mosiah 2:38) |
(2) |
Book of Mormon Insights with Taylor and Tyler: Revisited - 1 Nephi 11-15 |
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KnoWhy #481 - Why Is So Little Said about the Timing of Christ’s Temple Ministry? (3 Nephi 10:18) |
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KnoWhy #82 - Why Does King Benjamin Emphasize the Blood of Christ? (Mosiah 4:2) |
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The Greatness of the Evidence | A Marvelous Work | Episode 1 |
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KnoWhy #417 - Were Joseph Smith’s Translation Instruments Like the Israelite Urim and Thummim? (Alma 37:24) |
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KnoWhy #306 - How Can One “Feast Upon The Words Of Christ”? (2 Nephi 32:3) |
(2) |
Polysyndeton: Many Conjunctions |
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KnoWhy #54 - Who are the "Few" Who were Permitted to See the Plates? (2 Nephi 27:12-13) |
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KnoWhy #408 - Are There Any Conditions to the Abrahamic Covenant? (3 Nephi 20:25) |
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Thirteen Journeys between the Cities of Nephi and Zarahemla |
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KnoWhy #503 - How Does the “Mosiah-First” Translation Sequence Strengthen Faith? (Words of Mormon 1:5) |
(2) |
The Mulekites |
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KnoWhy #409 - Is There Evidence That Joseph Smith Possessed a Urim and Thummim and Breastplate? (Ether 4:5) |
(2) |
Archaeological Trends and Book of Mormon Origins |
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"Because There Was No Darkness" - The Birth of Christ: A Book of Mormon Perspective |
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KnoWhy #498 - How Does Prophecy Shape the Book of Mormon’s Content and Structure? (Words of Mormon 1:4) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #79 - Why is the Theme of Kingship so Prominent in Benjamin’s Speech? (Mosiah 1:10) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #410 - What Parts of the Old Testament Were on the Plates of Brass? (1 Nephi 5:10) |
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Lecture XX: Nephi’s Comments on Reading Isaiah |
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KnoWhy #274 - Why were the People of Ammon Exempted from Military Duty? (Alma 27:24) |
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KnoWhy #34 - Why Does Jacob Choose a “Monster” as a Symbol for Death and Hell? (2 Nephi 9:10) |
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KnoWhy #45 - Did Interactions with “Others” Influence Nephi’s Selections of Isaiah? (2 Nephi 24:1; Isaiah 14:1) |
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KnoWhy #160 - Why Did Teancum Slay Amalickiah On New Year’s Eve? (Alma 51:37) |
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KnoWhy #174 - When Did Cement Become Common in Ancient America? (Helaman 3:7) |
(2) |
Scripture Study Insights with Tyler Griffin: 1 Nephi 16-22 |
(2) |
KnoWhy #412 - How Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac Illuminates the Atonement (Jacob 4:5) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #216 - Why Did Jesus Quote all of Isaiah 54? (3 Nephi 22:5; Isaiah 54:5) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #456 - Is the Path to Eternal Life “Strait” or “Straight"? (1 Nephi 8:20) |
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Your First Temple Visit: A Practical Guide |
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KnoWhy #116 - What does it Mean to “Prosper in the Land”? (Alma 9:13) |
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KnoWhy #151 - Why was Moroni’s Young Age an Advantage? (Alma 43:17) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #253 - Why Did Moroni Include Mormon’s Condemnation of Infant Baptism? (Moroni 8:12) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #402 - Why Do We Still Have to Cling to the Iron Rod Even Though the Path is Strait? (1 Nephi 8:13-14) |
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KnoWhy #530 - Is there evidence for great destruction in the land northward at the death of Christ? (3 Nephi 9:9) |
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Exterior Views of the Newel K. Whitney Store |
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KnoWhy #256 - Was Nephi’s Slaying of Laban Legal? (1 Nephi 4:18) |
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KnoWhy #464 - Who Were the “Elders of the Jews” Mentioned by Zoram? (1 Nephi 4:22) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #460 - Why Are People Exhausted by Powerful Spiritual Experiences? |
(2) |
KnoWhy #445 - What Is So Good about Nephi’s Name? (1 Nephi 1:1) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #469 - Why Are Lehi’s Visions Like Those of Other Prophets in His Day? (1 Nephi 1:11-12) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #422 - Why the Book of Mormon’s Depiction of a Loving God Fits with the Old Testament (2 Nephi 26:24) |
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KnoWhy #447 - How Can We Be Delivered through the Lord’s Tender Mercies? (1 Nephi 1:20) |
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KnoWhy #304 - Why Did Nephi Say An Angel Had Revealed The Name Jesus Christ? (2 Nephi 25:19) |
(2) |
Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology |
(2) |
KnoWhy #471 - Why Can Nephi’s Vision Be Called an Apocalypse? (1 Nephi 11:2-3) |
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KnoWhy #144 - Why was Alma Converted? (Alma 36:21) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #459 - Why Are Lehi’s First Visions So Similar to Much Later Apocalyptic Writings? (1 Nephi 1:8) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #161 - How Old Were the Stripling Warriors? (Alma 53:20) |
(2) |
KnoWhy #537 - Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 7: How Often Did These Commonalities Come through the Hand of Mormon or Moroni? (Words of Mormon 1:1-2) |
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KnoWhy #77 - Why was Coriantumr’s Record Engraved on a “Large Stone”? (Omni 1:20) |
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KnoWhy #538 - Did a “Magic World View” Influence the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon? (2 Nephi 27:26/Isaiah 29:14) |
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KnoWhy #131 - Why Did Converted Lamanites Call Themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies? (Alma 23:17) |
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KnoWhy #476 - Why Does Nephi Begin by Saying “I, Nephi . . .”? (1 Nephi 1:1) |
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Book of Mormon Translation: Interesting Correspondence on the Subject of the Manual Theory |
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Oliver Cowdery (20 April 1911) |
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