Weaving the Covenant (3 Nephi 22) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Weaving the Covenant (3 Nephi 22)." In The Glory of the Son, 167. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood/"Near Harmony" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood/"Near Harmony"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 24-26. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Moroni Delivers the Plates/"Feast of Trumpets" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Moroni Delivers the Plates/"Feast of Trumpets"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 21-23. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Only This Cup (Moroni 5) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Only This Cup (Moroni 5)." In The Glory of the Son, 136-137. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Because of the Sacrifice (Helaman 8:19-20) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Because of the Sacrifice (Helaman 8:19-20)." In The Glory of the Son, 49. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Eve’s Daughters (Mosiah 18:21) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Eve’s Daughters (Mosiah 18:21)." In The Glory of the Son, 111. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Measuring the Cost (Mosiah 3; Helaman 5:9) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Measuring the Cost (Mosiah 3; Helaman 5:9)." In The Glory of the Son, 48. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Organization of the Church/"Clear as the Sun—Fair as the Moon" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Organization of the Church/"Clear as the Sun—Fair as the Moon"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 31-35. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Bread of Light (Moroni 4-5) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Bread of Light (Moroni 4-5)." In The Glory of the Son, 132. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Tithes and Tenths (3 Nephi 24:10) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Tithes and Tenths (3 Nephi 24:10)." In The Glory of the Son, 27. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Leaving Egypt (Mosiah 7:19) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Leaving Egypt (Mosiah 7:19)." In The Glory of the Son, 17. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
The First Vision/"Fourteen is Young" Anderson, Sharon Price. "The First Vision/"Fourteen is Young"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 17-20. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
In Bethlehem (Alma 7) Anderson, Sharon Price. "In Bethlehem (Alma 7)." In The Glory of the Son, 33. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
High as the Cross (Alma 33:19-20; Helaman 8:14-15) Anderson, Sharon Price. "High as the Cross (Alma 33:19-20; Helaman 8:14-15)." In The Glory of the Son, 17. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Without Beauty (Mosiah 14:2) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Without Beauty (Mosiah 14:2)." In The Glory of the Son, 40-41. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Prophet, Priest, and King (3 Nephi 27:16) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Prophet, Priest, and King (3 Nephi 27:16)." In The Glory of the Son, 36. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Hand in Hand (3 Nephi 18) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Hand in Hand (3 Nephi 18)." In The Glory of the Son, 86. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
The Smith Family Moves to Palmyra/"Whence This Stranger?" Anderson, Sharon Price. "The Smith Family Moves to Palmyra/"Whence This Stranger?"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 14-16. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Patrons Blessed (Enos 1:27) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Patrons Blessed (Enos 1:27)." In The Glory of the Son, 163. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
These Shepherds (Helaman 15) Anderson, Sharon Price. "These Shepherds (Helaman 15)." In The Glory of the Son, 34. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
From the Fountain (Mosiah 18:5; Ether 8:26) Anderson, Sharon Price. "From the Fountain (Mosiah 18:5; Ether 8:26)." In The Glory of the Son, 90. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Prelude: Preparing to Begin (Mosiah 3:19) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Prelude: Preparing to Begin (Mosiah 3:19)." In The Glory of the Son, 152. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Seeking Deseret (Ether 2-3) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Seeking Deseret (Ether 2-3)." In The Glory of the Son, 66. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Raising the Standard (Alma 46:20-21) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Raising the Standard (Alma 46:20-21)." In The Glory of the Son, 71. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Saints' Sabbath Prayer (Jarom 1:5) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Saints' Sabbath Prayer (Jarom 1:5)." In The Glory of the Son, 96. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.