Precious Stones (3 Nephi 22:11-12) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Precious Stones (3 Nephi 22:11-12)." In The Glory of the Son, 157. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Brigham Young Succeeds Joseph/"Mantle of the Prophet" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Brigham Young Succeeds Joseph/"Mantle of the Prophet"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 85-88. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
The Power of His Name Anderson, Sharon Price. "The Power of His Name." In The Glory of the Son, 130. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Book of Mormon Poetry Rust, Richard Dilworth. "Book of Mormon Poetry." New Era 13, no. 3 (1983): 46-50.
Emma Entertains in Kirtland/"Emma's Table" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Emma Entertains in Kirtland/"Emma's Table"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 47-49. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Before Elijah (Helaman 10) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Before Elijah (Helaman 10)." In The Glory of the Son, 8-9. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
As the Master (3 Nephi 27) Anderson, Sharon Price. "As the Master (3 Nephi 27)." In The Glory of the Son, 113. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Beloved Lord, Anointed One (Moroni 4-5) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Beloved Lord, Anointed One (Moroni 4-5)." In The Glory of the Son, 137. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Converts Gather from the British Isles/"Sailing from Liverpool" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Converts Gather from the British Isles/"Sailing from Liverpool"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 62-65. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Meaning of the Stone (Helaman 5:12) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Meaning of the Stone (Helaman 5:12)." In The Glory of the Son, 23. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Oil of Anointing (3 Nephi 13:17) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Oil of Anointing (3 Nephi 13:17)." In The Glory of the Son, 146. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Offering at the Altar (Alma 34) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Offering at the Altar (Alma 34)." In The Glory of the Son, 139. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
House of Bread (Alma 7) Anderson, Sharon Price. "House of Bread (Alma 7)." In The Glory of the Son, 21-22. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Lucy Mack Smith/"Where Lucy Goes" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Lucy Mack Smith/"Where Lucy Goes"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 10-14. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
The Martyrdom/"Offering in June" Anderson, Sharon Price. "The Martyrdom/"Offering in June"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 80-84. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Blind Faith (Alma 30) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Blind Faith (Alma 30)." In The Glory of the Son, 42. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Paper Flags (Alma 46:11-13) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Paper Flags (Alma 46:11-13)." In The Glory of the Son, 72-73. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Joseph and Emma Sealed for Eternity Anderson, Sharon Price. "Joseph and Emma Sealed for Eternity." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 77-79. Salt Lake City: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
In Strong Arms (Alma 34; 3 Nephi 17:11-25) Anderson, Sharon Price. "In Strong Arms (Alma 34; 3 Nephi 17:11-25)." In The Glory of the Son, 112-113. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Transformation (Alma 5) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Transformation (Alma 5)." In The Glory of the Son, 92. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Joseph's Mission to Canada/"Who Will Listen?" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Joseph's Mission to Canada/"Who Will Listen?"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 40-42. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Giving Blood (Mosiah 3:7; Mosiah 4:2) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Giving Blood (Mosiah 3:7; Mosiah 4:2)." In The Glory of the Son, 133. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
Joseph and Emma's Children/"Small Graves" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Joseph and Emma's Children/"Small Graves"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 74-76. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Visions in the Kirtland Temple/"Keys in Kirtland" Anderson, Sharon Price. "Visions in the Kirtland Temple/"Keys in Kirtland"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 50-54. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Star Nurseries (Alma 19:6) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Star Nurseries (Alma 19:6)." In The Glory of the Son, 107. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.