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KnoWhy #202 - Why Did the People Fall Down at the Feet of Jesus? (3 Nephi 11:17)

TitleKnoWhy #202 - Why Did the People Fall Down at the Feet of Jesus? (3 Nephi 11:17)
Publication TypeKnoWhy
Year of Publication2016
Corporate AuthorsBook of Mormon Central Staff
PublisherBook of Mormon Central
Place PublishedSpringville, UT
KeywordsAncient Near East; Atonement; Bountiful (City of); Jesus Christ; Ministry; Old World; Proskynesis; Revelation; Ritual; Temple; Throne of God; Tree of Life; Worship

When Jesus Christ visited the people at the temple in Bountiful, they “did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and did worship him.” The act of prostrating oneself before a divine ruler was well known to the ancient world and is even prescribed throughout the LDS standard works as the correct way of worshiping God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. From the example of the people at Bountiful, the world can know how to appropriately worship and greet the Lord at His Second Coming.

Citation Key2402

Scripture Reference

3 Nephi 11:17