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Jacobs, Leone O.. "Book of Mormon Gems of Truth: Lesson 25." Relief Society Magazine 41, no. 7 (1954): 482.
Alma 26:37
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 8." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 8:1-32
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 9." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 9:1-34
Jacobs, Leone O.. "Book of Mormon Gems of Truth: Lesson 48." Relief Society Magazine 44, no. 2 (1957): 128-129.
Moroni 10:4
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 20." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 20:1-30
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 15." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 15:1-19
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 22." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 22:1-35
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 27." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 27:1-30
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 19." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 19:1-36
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 25." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 25:1-17
Wilson, E. Jan. "Joseph Smith and the “Red Sea” in 2 Nephi 19:1." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 60 (2024): 183-195.
2 Nephi 19:1; Isaiah 9:1
Gardner, Brant A.. "Alma 28." In Book of Mormon Minute. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.
Alma 28:1-14
Ehat, Stephen Kent. "Asymmetry in Chiasms, With a Note About Deuteronomy 8 and Alma 36." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 59 (2023): 191-280.
Alma 36:1-30; Deuteronomy 8:1-20
Words of Mormon 1:8; Mormon 7:4-5
Words of Mormon 1:8; Mormon 7:4-5