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Since Cumorah: New Voices from the Dust—Epilogue: Since Qumran, Part XXII

TitleSince Cumorah: New Voices from the Dust—Epilogue: Since Qumran, Part XXII
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1966
AuthorsNibley, Hugh W.
MagazineImprovement Era
Issue Number7
Date PublishedJuly 1966
KeywordsAncient Near East; Dead Sea Scrolls; Deutero-Isaiah; Isaiah (Book); Nag Hammadi Library; Qumran

This series argues that the changing attitudes of biblical scholars toward basic questions about scripture allow room for claims made by the Book of Mormon. It discusses external evidences, the primitive church, Lehi, Zenos, the olive tree, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The twenty-second part begins to conclude the series.