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KnoWhy #162 - Why was Ammoron Determined to Avenge the Blood of His Brother? (Alma 54:16)

TitleKnoWhy #162 - Why was Ammoron Determined to Avenge the Blood of His Brother? (Alma 54:16)
Publication TypeKnoWhy
Year of Publication2016
Corporate AuthorsBook of Mormon Central Staff
PublisherBook of Mormon Central
Place PublishedSpringville, UT
KeywordsAmalickiah; Ammoron (Nephite Apostate); Apostate; Assassination; Lamanite; Nephite; Oath; Teancum (Nephite Captain); Vow; Warfare; Zoramite

After Amalickiah’s death, his brother Ammoron did not hesitate in continuing his fallen brother’s warfare against the Nephites. In a heated letter to Moroni, the new Lamanite king vowed, “Behold, I will avenge [Amalickiah’s] blood upon you.” One motivating factor for Ammoron may be related to the Hebrew judicial concept of “blood vengeance.” In a world with no real equivalent to modern law enforcement, many ancient cultures allowed “for the nearest of kin to hunt down and carry out the death-penalty on a person that had slain a member of the sept or family.” Ammoron’s personality warns readers of the Book of Mormon to avoid allowing past grievance to consume one with hatred and malice.

Citation Key2109

Scripture Reference

Alma 54:16