Lesson 23 - Old World Ritual in the New World Nibley, Hugh W.. Lesson 23 - Old World Ritual in the New World In An Approach to the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1957.
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The Book of Leviticus Shannon, Avram R.. "The Book of Leviticus." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022.
His Faith Began with Physics Van Den Berghe, Elizabeth S.. "His Faith Began with Physics." Ensign 23, no. 8 (1993): 70-73.
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A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 12 Nibley, Hugh W.. "A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 12." Ensign 7, no. 6 (1977).
Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 145 (August 1980) Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 145 (August 1980), Edited by Ross T. Christensen. Vol. 145. Provo, UT: Society for Early Historic Archaeology, Brigham Young University, 1980.
Topics of the Times Cannon, George Q.. "Topics of the Times." Juvenile Instructor 19, no. 7 (1884): 106-108.
Apostasy and Treason (Continued) Cannon, George Q.. "Apostasy and Treason (Continued)." Juvenile Instructor 6, no. 5 (1871): 38-39.
Weaving the Covenant (3 Nephi 22) Anderson, Sharon Price. "Weaving the Covenant (3 Nephi 22)." In The Glory of the Son, 167. Orem, UT: Time Lines Etc., 2019.
BYU Studies: A Voice for the Community of LDS Scholars 18/4 (Summer 1978) BYU Studies: A Voice for the Community of LDS Scholars 18/4 (Summer 1978), Edited by Charles D. Tate, Jr.. Vol. 18. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1978.
Religious Educator 4/2 (2003) Religious Educator 4/2 (2003), Edited by Richard Neitzel Holzapfel. Vol. 4. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2003.
A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 6 Nibley, Hugh W.. "A Strange Thing in the Land: The Return of the Book of Enoch, Part 6." Ensign 6, no. 7 (1976).
How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures! Kimball, Spencer W.. "How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures!" Ensign 6, no. 9 (1976): 2-5.
Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 132 (April 1973) Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 132 (April 1973), Edited by Ross T. Christensen, Bruce D. Louthan and Bonny A. Fifield. Vol. 132. Provo, UT: Society for Early Historic Archaeology, Brigham Young University, 1973.
U.A.S. Newsletter, no. 66 (May 7, 1960) U.A.S. Newsletter, no. 66 (May 7, 1960), Edited by Ross T. Christensen. Vol. 66. Provo, UT: University Archaeological Society, Brigham Young University, 1960.
Chapter XXXIII Reynolds, George. "Chapter XXXIII." In The Story of the Book of Mormon, 201-206. Salt Lake City: Joseph Hyrum Parry, 1888.
The Book That Would Not Burn Lynn, Ervin. "The Book That Would Not Burn." Ensign 16, no. 10 (1986): 61-62.
Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 119 (February 23, 1970) Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A., no. 119 (February 23, 1970), Edited by Ross T. Christensen and Susan P. Stiles. Vol. 119. Provo, UT: Society for Early Historic Archaeology, Brigham Young University, 1970.