Viracocha: Christ among the Ancient Peruvians? Hoyt, Scott. "Viracocha: Christ among the Ancient Peruvians?" BYU Studies Quarterly 54, no. 1 (2015): 105-134.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (6) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (6)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 3 (1876): 27-28.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (12) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (12)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 9 (1876): 98-99.
Old America - Ancient Peru Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru." Juvenile Instructor 10, no. 24 (1875): 287-288.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (2) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (2)." Juvenile Instructor 10, no. 25 (1875): 290-291.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (11) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (11)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 8 (1876): 87-88.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (10) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (10)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 7 (1876): 74-75.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (9) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (9)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 6 (1876): 63-64.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (3) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (3)." Juvenile Instructor 10, no. 26 (1875): 302-303.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (5) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (5)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 2 (1876): 15.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (7) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (7)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 4 (1876): 40-41.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (8) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (8)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 5 (1876): 51-52.
Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (4) Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Ancient Peru (Continued) (4)." Juvenile Instructor 11, no. 1 (1876): 8-9.
A Leaf from Peruvian History—Many Features Indicating Nephite Influence Sjodahl, Janne M.. "A Leaf from Peruvian History—Many Features Indicating Nephite Influence." In An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon, 283-322. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1927.