Untitled Talk (4 April 1927) Roberts, B.H.. Untitled Talk (4 April 1927) In The Ninety-Seventh Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1927.
The Lamanites Are Progressing Kimball, Spencer W.. "The Lamanites Are Progressing." Improvement Era 56, no. 6 (1953): 432-435.
A Study in American Hebraic Names III (cont.) Brookbank, Thomas W.. "A Study in American Hebraic Names III (cont.)." Improvement Era 20, no. 8 (1917): 669-676.
A Study in American Hebraic Names III Brookbank, Thomas W.. "A Study in American Hebraic Names III." Improvement Era 20, no. 4 (1917): 328-335.
Miraculous Healing Among the Zunis Harris, Llewellyn. "Miraculous Healing Among the Zunis." Juvenile Instructor 14, no. 14 (1879): 160-161.
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon Cheesman, Paul R.. "Archaeology and the Book of Mormon." The Instructor 103, no. 11 (1968): 428-432.
A Study in American Hebraic Names II Brookbank, Thomas W.. "A Study in American Hebraic Names II." Improvement Era 20, no. 3 (1917): 224-236.
New Witnesses for God, Volume II: Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations Manual, 1904–1905 / No. 8 / The Book of Mormon, part II Roberts, B.H.. New Witnesses for God, Volume II: Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations Manual, 1904–1905 / No. 8 / The Book of Mormon, part II. Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1904.
New Witnesses for God, Volume II: Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations Manual, 1905–1906 / No. 9 / The Book of Mormon, part III Roberts, B.H.. New Witnesses for God, Volume II: Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations Manual, 1905–1906 / No. 9 / The Book of Mormon, part III. Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1905.
Cabeza de Vaca . . . Among the Lamanites Bryson, Conrey. "Cabeza de Vaca . . . Among the Lamanites." Improvement Era 45, no. 8 (1942): 504-505.
Witnesses to the Book of Mormon Hunter, Milton R.. "Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 73, no. 6 (1970): 100-101.
Old America - Tezcucians, Tlascalans, Quiches, Etc. Ottinger, G.M.. "Old America - Tezcucians, Tlascalans, Quiches, Etc." Juvenile Instructor 10, no. 10 (1875): 110-111.
Indian Traditions Buchanan, Golden R.. "Indian Traditions." Improvement Era 58, no. 4 (1955): 240-241, 285-287.
Visit to an Ancient Indian Village R., C.E.. "Visit to an Ancient Indian Village." Juvenile Instructor 14, no. 22 (1879): 257.
Christ in the Traditions of American Native Races Roberts, B.H.. "Christ in the Traditions of American Native Races." Improvement Era 20, no. 7 (1917): 571-597.
Indian Traditions of the Book of Mormon McGavin, E. Cecil. "Indian Traditions of the Book of Mormon." The Instructor 66, no. 8 (1931): 449-452.
Conversions Through the Book of Mormon - XI. The Indians and the Mormons Evans, John Henry. "Conversions Through the Book of Mormon - XI. The Indians and the Mormons." The Instructor 79, no. 10 (1944): 469-472.
Prophecies and Blessings to the Lamanites Hunter, Milton R.. "Prophecies and Blessings to the Lamanites." Improvement Era 62, no. 12 (1959): 928-931.
Two Outstanding Features of Book of Mormon History, Part I Sjodahl, Janne M.. "Two Outstanding Features of Book of Mormon History, Part I." Relief Society Magazine 14, no. 10 (1927): 475-480.