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Altar with NHM Inscription Enhanced (Bar’an Temple, Marib, Yemen) Warren P. Aston. Altar with NHM Inscription Enhanced (Bar’an Temple, Marib, Yemen)., 2015.
NHM Altar Inscription (Ba’ran Temple, Marib, Yemen) Warren P. Aston. NHM Altar Inscription (Ba’ran Temple, Marib, Yemen)., 2015.
Nahom Region with Multiple NHM Attestations (Sana’a, Ma’rib, and Al Jawf, Yemen) Magleby, Kirk. Nahom Region with Multiple NHM Attestations (Sana’a, Ma’rib, and Al Jawf, Yemen)., 2016.
Warren Aston with NHM Altar (Bar’an Temple, Marib, Yemen) Hilton, Lynn M.. Warren Aston with NHM Altar (Bar’an Temple, Marib, Yemen)., 2000.
Some Notes on the Tribal Origins of NHM Warren P. Aston. "Some Notes on the Tribal Origins of NHM." In Lehi and Sariah in Arabia, 222-225. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2015.