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The Book of Mormon Was Written for Our Day Ludlow, Daniel H.. "The Book of Mormon Was Written for Our Day." The Instructor 101, no. 7 (1966): 265-266.
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Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 47—A Review of Outstanding Characters of the Book of Mormon Monson, Leland H.. "Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 47—A Review of Outstanding Characters of the Book of Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 44, no. 1 (1957): 54-58.
An Elegant Book on Gifts, Gifting, and Remembering Midgley, Louis C.. "An Elegant Book on Gifts, Gifting, and Remembering." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 51 (2022): 165-180.
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Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 44—The Fall of the Nephite Nation as Recorded by Mormon Monson, Leland H.. "Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 44—The Fall of the Nephite Nation as Recorded by Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 43, no. 10 (1956): 692-697.
Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 33—Review—The Book of Mormon Monson, Leland H.. "Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 33—Review—The Book of Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 42, no. 7 (1955): 465-470.
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Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 45—Moroni Explains Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel Monson, Leland H.. "Characters and Teachings of The Book of Mormon: Lesson 45—Moroni Explains Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel." Relief Society Magazine 43, no. 11 (1956): 761-766.
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The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon Penrose, Charles W.. "The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 953-957.