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Nephi’s Outline Reynolds, Noel B.. "Nephi’s Outline." BYU Studies Quarterly 20, no. 2 (1980): 131-149.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon I Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon I." Improvement Era 17, no. 3 (1914): 189-192.
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Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon IV Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon IV." Improvement Era 17, no. 7 (1914): 623-627.
The Book of Mormon Book Club Hardy, Grant R.. "The Book of Mormon Book Club." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 25 (2016): 139-153.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon V Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon V." Improvement Era 17, no. 9 (1914): 881-884.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon II Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon II." Improvement Era 17, no. 4 (1914): 366-370.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VI Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VI." Improvement Era 17, no. 10 (1914): 972-975.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VIII Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VIII." Improvement Era 17, no. 12 (1914): 1147-1151.
Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VII Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon VII." Improvement Era 17, no. 11 (1914): 1061-1063.
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Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon III Brookbank, Thomas W.. "Hebrew Idioms and Analogies in the Book of Mormon III." Improvement Era 17, no. 5 (1914): 471-475.
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