Alma 53-63 Welch, John W.. "Alma 53-63." In John W. Welch Notes, 793-813. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2020.
KnoWhy #170 - Why Was Teancum Captured and Killed? (Alma 62:36) KnoWhy #170 - Why Was Teancum Captured and Killed? (Alma 62:36). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
Book of Mormon Stories: Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors Book of Mormon Stories: Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors., 2011.
KnoWhy #163 - Why Did Moroni Change His Mind about Exchanging Prisoners with Ammoron? (Alma 55:2) KnoWhy #163 - Why Did Moroni Change His Mind about Exchanging Prisoners with Ammoron? (Alma 55:2). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
KnoWhy #162 - Why was Ammoron Determined to Avenge the Blood of His Brother? (Alma 54:16) KnoWhy #162 - Why was Ammoron Determined to Avenge the Blood of His Brother? (Alma 54:16). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
KnoWhy #164 - How Realistic are Nephite Battle Strategies? (Alma 56:30) KnoWhy #164 - How Realistic are Nephite Battle Strategies? (Alma 56:30). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
Apostasy and Treason (Concluded) "Apostasy and Treason (Concluded)." Juvenile Instructor 6, no. 7 (1871): 54-55.
Chapter XXXIV Reynolds, George. "Chapter XXXIV." In The Story of the Book of Mormon, 206-210. Salt Lake City: Joseph Hyrum Parry, 1888.
Chapter XXXI Reynolds, George. "Chapter XXXI." In The Story of the Book of Mormon, 191-196. Salt Lake City: Joseph Hyrum Parry, 1888.
Apostasy and Treason (Continued) "Apostasy and Treason (Continued)." Juvenile Instructor 6, no. 6 (1871): 42-43.
The Nephites under the Judges, II Reynolds, George. "The Nephites under the Judges, II." The Contributor 2, no. 6 (1881): 171-174.
Moroni, A Sketch of the Nephite Republic, IX Roberts, B.H.. "Moroni, A Sketch of the Nephite Republic, IX." The Contributor 11, no. 9 (1890): 335-340.
Moroni, A Sketch of the Nephite Republic, XI Roberts, B.H.. "Moroni, A Sketch of the Nephite Republic, XI." The Contributor 11, no. 12 (1890): 445-450.
The Lamanites (A Book of Mormon Sketch) (12 July 1880) Reynolds, George. "The Lamanites (A Book of Mormon Sketch) (12 July 1880)." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 42, no. 28 (1880): 433-436.
Lesser Lights of the Book of Mormon: Teancum Reynolds, George. "Lesser Lights of the Book of Mormon: Teancum." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 81, no. 33 (1919): 522-526.