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Worthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Early Christian Prayer Circle

TitleWorthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Early Christian Prayer Circle
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsNibley, Hugh W.
JournalJournal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture
Type of ArticleWorthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past
KeywordsEarly Christianity; Job (Prophet); Philo; Prayer; Prayer Circle; Testament of Abraham; Testament of Job

A practice that was eventually condemned by the church because of its Jewish affinities—being found, for example, in the Testaments of Abraham and Job and in the writings of Philo—the prayer circle has a long and complex history in Christian practice. This practice was considered one of the “mysteries” and therefore was protected from all who weren’t initiated. For the initiated participants, this was a very sacred practice, which demanded unity between all those involved. The prayer circle, generally referred to as a “dance,” often included hymns, prayers for the living and the dead, and gestures that would prepare the participants for heavenly visitations.