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Worthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Book of Mormon: A Minimal Statement

TitleWorthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Book of Mormon: A Minimal Statement
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsNibley, Hugh W.
JournalJournal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture
Type of ArticleWorthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past
KeywordsBook of Mormon; Coherence; History; Theology

This short article was originally published in the journal Concilium: An International Review of Theology and as such is addressed to a non-LDS audience. Nibley begins by giving a brief historical and theological background to the Book of Mormon. He then makes the point that the Book of Mormon includes topics that leave it open to scholars in many different disciplines to study and to put on trial. Finally, he comments on the remarkable coherence with which the prophetic editors were able to compile the Book of Mormon.