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New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Conclusion

TitleNew Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Conclusion
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1954
AuthorsNibley, Hugh W.
MagazineImprovement Era
Issue Number7
Pagination506–507, 521
Date PublishedJuly 1954
KeywordsBook of Mormon Anachronisms; Book of Mormon Authorship; Elephants; Jaredites; Smith, Joseph, Jr.; Weights and Measures

This series vividly displays internal and external evidences to test whether the Book of Mormon is or is not a forgery, using the standard scholarly criteria for detecting forged writings. The author offers insightful comments on methodology for studying the Book of Mormon, evaluating evidence, using newly discovered documents, metal plates, literary criticism, poetry, lower criticism, and history. Nibley also comments on animals, weights and measures, and the use of the Bible in the Book of Mormon. The ninth part concludes the series.