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The Eternal Nature of the Church, the Priesthood, and Man

TitleThe Eternal Nature of the Church, the Priesthood, and Man
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1919
AuthorsSmith, Joseph F.
Book TitleGospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith
PublisherThe Deseret News
CitySalt Lake City
KeywordsDoctrine; Eternal Life; Immortality; Plan of Salvation; Premortal Life; Priesthood; Truth

Eternal Nature of Plan of Salvation—Gospel Principles are Eternal—Pre-existing States—Spirit Memories—The Immortality of Man—Man Eternally Responsible—Our Indestructible, Immortal Identity—No New Principles in the Gospel—Fountain of Truth—Eternity of the Spirit of man—Purposes of Almighty Unchangeable