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Lesson 21-1: Covenant Language in the Book of Mormon

TitleLesson 21-1: Covenant Language in the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeChart
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsWelch, John W., Greg Welch, and Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye
PublisherScripture Central
CitySpringville, UT
KeywordsChrist in America; Covenant; King Benjamin's Speech; Sacrament

Covenant-making phrases used throughout the Book of Mormon are similar, regardless of which group of people made the covenants. This chart compares covenant-language phrases in four particular settings: after King Benjamin’s great speech, with Alma at the Waters of Mormon, during Christ’s administration of the sacrament, and during the Nephite sacrament administration following Christ’s visitation. Most of the elements are the same or are similar throughout, such as the willing commitment to obey God's commandments. Other elements may vary somewhat. 

Originally published as Chart 5-58 in Charting the Book of Mormon.


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