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Christopher Columbus and the Book of Mormon

TitleChristopher Columbus and the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1966
AuthorsMerrill, Hyde M.
MagazineImprovement Era
Issue Number2
Pagination96–98, 135–136
Date PublishedFebruary 1966
KeywordsColumbus, Christopher; Inspiration; Lehi (Prophet); Prophecy

This article discusses Lehi’s prophecy regarding “a man among the Gentiles” (Columbus) who would be “wrought upon” by the Holy Ghost and travel “forth upon many waters” (1 Nephi 13:12). The author presents evidence from Columbus’s journals and letters that supports the claim that he was an inspired man who accomplished “a thing more divine than human to have found that way never before known to go to the east where the spices grow” (Sebastian Cabot).