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2021 Art Contest Gallery

This year's art contest featured artists from all over the world and of all ages, both amateur and professional. It was difficult to go through the hard work of all these artists and select the winning pieces, but we are pleased to announce the winners of this year's Book of Mormon Art Contest. This year we had submissions in Book of Mormon and Church History submissions.

Visit the 2021 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest event page

The Morning Breaks by Rose Datoc Dal
The Morning Breaks (View in Archive)
Rose Datoc Dal
Joseph's Prayer by Josh Holman
Joseph's Prayer (View in Archive)
Josh Holman
He The Physician, I The Nurse by Megan Rieker
Megan Rieker
The Dream by Ryan Muldowney
The Dream (View in Archive)
Ryan Muldowney
Father Lehi by Jody Livingston
Father Lehi (View in Archive)
Jody Livingston
King Benjamin's Testimony by Charles Muldowney
King Benjamin's Testimony (View in Archive)
Charles Muldowney
Book of Mormon Brought Forth by Nicole Hill
Nicole Hill
Teancum by Mark Parker
Teancum (View in Archive)
Mark Parker
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish by Deseret Leavitt
Deseret Leavitt
Writing and Learning Much by Jenna Conlin
Writing and Learning Much (View in Archive)
Jenna Conlin
Child of Faith #2 by Kylie Kay
Child of Faith #2 (View in Archive)
Kylie Kay
Wealth of Abundance by Jeanne Gomm
Wealth of Abundance (View in Archive)
Jeanne Gomm
Testigo Ocular Celestial by Israel Trejo Huerta
Testigo Ocular Celestial (View in Archive)
Israel Trejo Huerta
Bautismo vicario by Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
Bautismo vicario (View in Archive)
Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
Against the Christian Door by Andrew Knaupp
Against the Christian Door (View in Archive)
Andrew Knaupp
Paradox Diptych by Aubrie Mema
Paradox Diptych (View in Archive)
Aubrie Mema
This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him! by Gary Kapp
Gary Kapp
The Destroyer Riding Upon the Waters by Alondra Gutierrez
Alondra Gutierrez
Father, Behold Thy Son by Charles Hacking
Father, Behold Thy Son (View in Archive)
Charles Hacking
Primera visión en Hoja by Israel Trejo
Primera visión en Hoja (View in Archive)
Israel Trejo
First Vision by Michael Sorensen
First Vision (View in Archive)
Michael Sorensen
A Place to Pray by Cecelia Cash
A Place to Pray (View in Archive)
Cecelia Cash
Pillar of Light by Richard Bradford
Pillar of Light (View in Archive)
Richard Bradford
From the Presence of God to Fill the Immensity of Space by Darren Albertson
Darren Albertson
Writing and Learning Much by Jenna Conlin
Writing and Learning Much (View in Archive)
Jenna Conlin
Hear Him by Ashly Weight
Hear Him (View in Archive)
Ashly Weight
Second Coming by Deseret Leavitt
Second Coming (View in Archive)
Deseret Leavitt
The place where I had previously designed to go by Melissa Horlacher
Melissa Horlacher
Fear Not, I Am With Thee by Kylie Kay
Fear Not, I Am With Thee (View in Archive)
Kylie Kay
The First Vision by Merinda Brighton
The First Vision (View in Archive)
Merinda Brighton
Sacred Grove- Spring of 1820 by Cierra Knoelk Green
Cierra Knoelk Green
El Cielo en la Tierra by Israel Trejo Huerta
El Cielo en la Tierra (View in Archive)
Israel Trejo Huerta
Las Llaves de los Cielos by Israel Trejo Huerta
Las Llaves de los Cielos (View in Archive)
Israel Trejo Huerta
Todo varón digno y fiel by Israel Trejo Huerta
Todo varón digno y fiel (View in Archive)
Israel Trejo Huerta
Jose Smith y Oliver Cowdery reciben el sacerdocio Aarónico by Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
Recibirá mi palabra por medio de ti by Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
Adrian Pérez Gonzalez
The Lord Opened the Heavens by Nancy Andruk Olson
The Lord Opened the Heavens (View in Archive)
Nancy Andruk Olson
La adversidad puede ser para mi bien... José Smith majestuoso by Alejandro Mendoza Serrano
Alejandro Mendoza Serrano
Sión será un "Estandarte al pueblo" by Alejandro Mendoza Serrano
Alejandro Mendoza Serrano
Windows at Liberty by Andrew Knaupp
Windows at Liberty (View in Archive)
Andrew Knaupp
Majesty in Chains by Andrew Knaupp
Majesty in Chains (View in Archive)
Andrew Knaupp
Ever After, I Knew by Emily Reynolds
Ever After, I Knew (View in Archive)
Emily Reynolds
Joseph Smith Sr Home Early Morning 1820 by Lafe Harris
Lafe Harris
Emma by Heather Newman
Emma (View in Archive)
Heather Newman
The Morning Breaks by Melody Greenlief
The Morning Breaks (View in Archive)
Melody Greenlief
217 East Main by Kristen Openshaw
217 East Main (View in Archive)
Kristen Openshaw
House of Order by Kristen Openshaw
House of Order (View in Archive)
Kristen Openshaw
Darkness Dispelled by Joan Ellsworth
Darkness Dispelled (View in Archive)
Joan Ellsworth
Faithful by Nicole Hill
Faithful (View in Archive)
Nicole Hill
To Me He Doth Not Stink by Sierra Lewis
To Me He Doth Not Stink (View in Archive)
Sierra Lewis
Teancum's sword by Mark Parker
Teancum's sword (View in Archive)
Mark Parker
Come and Partake by Deseret Leavitt
Come and Partake (View in Archive)
Deseret Leavitt
Lead Thou Me On by Megan Rieker
Lead Thou Me On (View in Archive)
Megan Rieker
New Star by Nicole Hill
New Star (View in Archive)
Nicole Hill
Los Santos viajan a Ohio by Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
Los Santos viajan a Ohio (View in Archive)
Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
La Oración de Oliver by Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
La Oración de Oliver (View in Archive)
Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
José escribe a sus gobernantes by Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
Patrick Kemish Escobar Jurado
Las tribulaciones de Jóse y Emma Smith by Daniela Pacheco Flores
Daniela Pacheco Flores
He lives by Lian Korus
He lives (View in Archive)
Lian Korus
Bautismo de José Smith y Oliver Cowdery by Jamil Villanueva Montes
Jamil Villanueva Montes
Heartache by Cassandra Rivera
Heartache (View in Archive)
Cassandra Rivera
The Work of God by Linnea Allred
The Work of God (View in Archive)
Linnea Allred
Pioneer Campfire by Ava Zobel
Pioneer Campfire (View in Archive)
Ava Zobel
Un lamanita by Melissa Meylin Escobar Yugar
Un lamanita (View in Archive)
Melissa Meylin Escobar Yugar
Joseph Knight by Amos Joshua Escobar Jurado
Joseph Knight (View in Archive)
Amos Joshua Escobar Jurado
Despedida no anunciada by Amos Joshua Escobar Jurado
Despedida no anunciada (View in Archive)
Amos Joshua Escobar Jurado
Todo joven hoy, Moroni by Hayrum Jared Narváez Molina
Todo joven hoy, Moroni (View in Archive)
Hayrum Jared Narváez Molina
Jesús la Salvación del mundo by Daniela Zambrano Linares
Daniela Zambrano Linares
The Organization of the Relief Society by Sofia Isabel Campos Muñoz
Sofia Isabel Campos Muñoz
Elizabeth and Isaac Hale by Annie Gutierrez
Elizabeth and Isaac Hale (View in Archive)
Annie Gutierrez
La entrada de Jesus a  Jerusalen by Adhemar Helaman Escobar Yugar
Adhemar Helaman Escobar Yugar
Benditos son los que han subido a esta tierra... Sión by Mariana Sarahí Zapata Arevalo
Mariana Sarahí Zapata Arevalo
Misionero leyendo escritura by Joaquin Sánchez
Misionero leyendo escritura (View in Archive)
Joaquin Sánchez
Smith Cabin by Trevor Allred
Smith Cabin (View in Archive)
Trevor Allred