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"Hagoth’s Lost Ships and Hawaii." Improvement Era 27, no. 5 (1924): 482-483.
KnoWhy #171 - Why Did Mormon Mention Hagoth? (Alma 63:5). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
Cannon, Elizabeth Rachel. "The Gadiantons." Improvement Era 14, no. 10 (1911): 862-872.
Cannon, Elizabeth Rachel. The Cities of the Sun: Stories of Ancient America Founded on Historical Incidents in the Book of Mormon. Second and Enlarged ed. Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1911.
Christensen, Harold. "Speculations on Polynesian Origins." Improvement Era 38, no. 11 (1935): 672-674, 711.
Hills, Louis Edward. A Short Work on the Geography of Mexico and Central America from 2234 B. C. to 421 A. D.. Independence, MO: N.p., 1917.
Hyland, Richard. "The Gospel in the South Seas." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 99, no. 47 (1937): 758-759, 766.
McAllister, Duncan. "Important Appeal to Native Hawaiians and Other Polynesians." Improvement Era 24, no. 8 (1921): 703-712.
McAllister, Duncan, and Wesley Smith. "Genealogical Records Relationship." Improvement Era 23, no. 11 (1920): 962-966.
Moody, William A.. "Origin of the Samoans." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 59, no. 37 (1897): 587-588.
Parsons, Robert E.. "Hagoth and the Polynesians." In The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 249-262. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
Paul, George F.. "The Mystery of the Pacific." Improvement Era 36, no. 3 (1933): 148-149.
Pratt, Orson. "Sacred Metalic [sic] Plates." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 28, no. 48 (1866): 761-764.
Reynolds, George. "Chapter XXXV." In The Story of the Book of Mormon, 210-214. Salt Lake City: Joseph Hyrum Parry, 1888.
Ricks, Joel E.. "America's Ancient Inhabitants (23 October 1893)." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 55, no. 43 (1893): 695-698.
Roberts, B.H.. "External Evidence—Minor Coincidences—Race Unity." In New Witnesses for God: Volume III - The Book of Mormon, 67-92. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Sjodahl, Janne M.. "Book of Mormon Names in American Geography." In An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon, 112-154. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1927.
Waddoups, Wm. M.. "Traditions and Legends of the Polynesians." Improvement Era 23, no. 12 (1920): 1072-1076.
Wallis, James H.. "A Fascinating Story." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 95, no. 14 (1933): 225-229.
Weight, Ashly. Hagoth: He Being an Exceedingly Curious Man., 2020.