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Book of Mormon Central Archive
Found 5 results
Filters: Author is Louis C. Midgley and Keyword is Smith, Joseph, Jr.  [Clear All Filters]
Midgley, Louis C.. "No Middle Ground: The Debate over the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon." In Historicity and the Latter-day Saints, edited by Paul Y. Hoskisson, 149-170. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001.
Midgley, Louis C.. "Editor's Introduction: Knowing Brother Joseph Again." The FARMS Review 18, no. 1 (2006): xi-lxxiv.
Midgley, Louis C.. "Two Stories—One Faith." The FARMS Review 19, no. 1 (2007): 55-79.
Midgley, Louis C.. "F. M. Brodie—“The Fasting Hermit and the Very Saint of Ignorance”: A Biographer and her Legend." FARMS Review of Books 8, no. 2 (1996): 147-230.
Midgley, Louis C.. "Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Critics and Their Theories." In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence for Ancient Origins, edited by Noel B. Reynolds, 101-139. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1997.