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Smith, Joseph Fielding. "They Bear Witness." Improvement Era 59, no. 12 (1956): 921-922.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What of the Witch of Endor and Samuel?" Improvement Era 65, no. 8 (1962): 566-567, 600-601.
Wilderness of the Exodus
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Wilderness of Sin
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Whitmer, David
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Urim and Thummim
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation of the Book of Mormon." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 89, no. 38 (1927): 593-595.
Twelve Tribes of Israel
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Differences in Genealogical Lineages." Improvement Era 63, no. 3 (1960): 144-145.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Twelve Tribes of Israel." Improvement Era 59, no. 4 (1956): 222-223.
Title Page of the Book of Mormon
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Publication of the Book of Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 14, no. 9 (1927): 423-430.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Tithing—the Law of the Tenth." Improvement Era 67, no. 6 (1964): 446-447.
Tithes and Offerings
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Tithing—the Law of the Tenth." Improvement Era 67, no. 6 (1964): 446-447.
Three Witnesses
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "They Bear Witness." Improvement Era 59, no. 12 (1956): 921-922.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Three Days of Darkness
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Days of Darkness." Improvement Era 62, no. 10 (1959): 728.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Book of Mormon—A Divine Record." Improvement Era 64, no. 12 (1961): 924-927.
Ten Commandments
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was Temple Work Done in the Days of the Old Prophets?" Improvement Era 58, no. 11 (1955): 794.
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Publication of the Book of Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 14, no. 9 (1927): 423-430.
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation of the Book of Mormon." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 89, no. 38 (1927): 593-595.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Sermon at the Temple
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites?" Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 296-297.
Seed of Joseph (Son of Jacob/Israel)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Seed of Abraham
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Are the Nations of the Earth Blessed Through Abraham and His Seed?" Improvement Era 61, no. 2 (1958): 80-81, 116.
Scripture Study
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Book of Mormon Critics Refuted." Improvement Era 65, no. 12 (1962): 906-907.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Book of Mormon—A Divine Record." Improvement Era 64, no. 12 (1961): 924-927.
Scattering of Israel
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Are the Nations of the Earth Blessed Through Abraham and His Seed?" Improvement Era 61, no. 2 (1958): 80-81, 116.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Differences in Genealogical Lineages." Improvement Era 63, no. 3 (1960): 144-145.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Savior in America
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Nephite Baptisms and the Gift of the Holy Ghost." Improvement Era 65, no. 6 (1962): 390-391.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites?" Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 296-297.
Samuel (Hebrew Prophet)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What of the Witch of Endor and Samuel?" Improvement Era 65, no. 8 (1962): 566-567, 600-601.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Keep the Commandments." Improvement Era 53, no. 12 (1950): 965-966.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Blessings of the Descendants of Ephraim." Improvement Era 68, no. 8 (1965): 678-679.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Judgments of the Lord to Pour Forth." Improvement Era 69, no. 12 (1966): 1099-1100.
Remission of Sins, Sin
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Your Question Answered by Joseph Fielding Smith Regarding Mosiah 15." Improvement Era 65, no. 3 (1962): 150, 214-215.
Prophetic Call
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Progression and Retrogression." Improvement Era 22, no. 6 (1919): 465-473.
Printing of the Book of Mormon
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Publication of the Book of Mormon." Relief Society Magazine 14, no. 9 (1927): 423-430.
Priesthood Restoration
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Priesthood Power
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Priesthood of the Nephites." Improvement Era 59, no. 3 (1956): 142-143.
Priesthood Organization
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Did the Nephites Have a Church Organization Before the Days of Alma?" Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (1959): 584-585.
Priesthood Ordinances
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Nephite Baptisms and the Gift of the Holy Ghost." Improvement Era 65, no. 6 (1962): 390-391.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Did the Nephites Have a Church Organization Before the Days of Alma?" Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (1959): 584-585.
Priesthood Keys
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Priesthood of the Nephites." Improvement Era 59, no. 3 (1956): 142-143.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Priesthood Authority
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Nephite Baptisms and the Gift of the Holy Ghost." Improvement Era 65, no. 6 (1962): 390-391.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Pride Cycle
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Progression and Retrogression." Improvement Era 22, no. 6 (1919): 465-473.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Plan of Salvation
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
Patriarchal Blessing
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Differences in Genealogical Lineages." Improvement Era 63, no. 3 (1960): 144-145.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Blessings of the Descendants of Ephraim." Improvement Era 68, no. 8 (1965): 678-679.
Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Original Sin
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
Open Canon
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Keep the Commandments." Improvement Era 53, no. 12 (1950): 965-966.
Old Testament
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
New Jerusalem
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Is the Garden of Eden?" Improvement Era 64, no. 4 (1961): 216-217.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Priesthood of the Nephites." Improvement Era 59, no. 3 (1956): 142-143.
Nephite Interpreters
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What of the Witch of Endor and Samuel?" Improvement Era 65, no. 8 (1962): 566-567, 600-601.
Mount Sinai
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Mount of Olives
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites?" Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 296-297.
Mosiah the Elder
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Mosiah (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Your Question Answered by Joseph Fielding Smith Regarding Mosiah 15." Improvement Era 65, no. 3 (1962): 150, 214-215.
Moses (Prophet)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Missionary Work
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Blessings of the Descendants of Ephraim." Improvement Era 68, no. 8 (1965): 678-679.
Micah (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Melchizedek Priesthood
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Priesthood of the Nephites." Improvement Era 59, no. 3 (1956): 142-143.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men." Improvement Era 59, no. 11 (1956): 782, 879.
Manasseh (Tribe)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Was Lehi a Descendant of the Jews?" Improvement Era 59, no. 10 (1955): 702.
Malachi (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Tithing—the Law of the Tenth." Improvement Era 67, no. 6 (1964): 446-447.
Mahonri Moriancumer
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Language of Adam: The Origin of Speech." Improvement Era 31, no. 4 (1928): 271-276.
Linguistic Analysis
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Differences in Genealogical Lineages." Improvement Era 63, no. 3 (1960): 144-145.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Blessings of the Descendants of Ephraim." Improvement Era 68, no. 8 (1965): 678-679.
Levitical Priesthood
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Lehi (Prophet)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Was Lehi a Descendant of the Jews?" Improvement Era 59, no. 10 (1955): 702.
Law of Witnesses
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "They Bear Witness." Improvement Era 59, no. 12 (1956): 921-922.
Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Last Days
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Judgments of the Lord to Pour Forth." Improvement Era 69, no. 12 (1966): 1099-1100.
Language – Hebrew
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Language – Adamic
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Language of Adam: The Origin of Speech." Improvement Era 31, no. 4 (1928): 271-276.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Language of Adam: The Origin of Speech." Improvement Era 31, no. 4 (1928): 271-276.
Kingdom of Judah
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Twelve Tribes of Israel." Improvement Era 59, no. 4 (1956): 222-223.
Kingdom of Israel
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Twelve Tribes of Israel." Improvement Era 59, no. 4 (1956): 222-223.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Was Lehi a Descendant of the Jews?" Improvement Era 59, no. 10 (1955): 702.
Jesus Christ, Postmortal Appearances of
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was Temple Work Done for the Dead Before the Time of Christ, and If Not, What Was Done in the Temples in Old Testament Times?" Improvement Era 61, no. 8 (1958): 576-577, 602.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites?" Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 296-297.
Jesus Christ, Death of
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Days of Darkness." Improvement Era 62, no. 10 (1959): 728.
Jesus Christ, Birth of
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Is There a Contradiction between Alma 7:10 and Matthew 2:5–6?" Improvement Era 58, no. 4 (1955): 222.
Jesus Christ
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Debt We Owe." Improvement Era 64, no. 11 (1961): 800-801.
Jerusalem (Old World)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Is There a Contradiction between Alma 7:10 and Matthew 2:5–6?" Improvement Era 58, no. 4 (1955): 222.
Jacob (Son of Lehi)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Debt We Owe." Improvement Era 64, no. 11 (1961): 800-801.
Isaiah (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men." Improvement Era 59, no. 11 (1956): 782, 879.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Harris, Martin
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Gospel of John
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Golden Plates
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation of the Book of Mormon." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 89, no. 38 (1927): 593-595.
Gold Plates
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Gift of the Holy Ghost
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Nephite Baptisms and the Gift of the Holy Ghost." Improvement Era 65, no. 6 (1962): 390-391.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Extensive Was the Scattering of Israel?" Improvement Era 64, no. 7 (1961): 488-489, 534-535.
Genesis (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men." Improvement Era 59, no. 11 (1956): 782, 879.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Differences in Genealogical Lineages." Improvement Era 63, no. 3 (1960): 144-145.
Garden of Eden
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Is the Garden of Eden?" Improvement Era 64, no. 4 (1961): 216-217.
Forbidden Fruit
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
First Vision
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Fall of Adam and Eve
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
Ezekiel (Book)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Predictions in the Bible Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 26, no. 11 (1923): 958-962.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Progression and Retrogression." Improvement Era 22, no. 6 (1919): 465-473.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Ephraim (Tribe)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Was Lehi a Descendant of the Jews?" Improvement Era 59, no. 10 (1955): 702.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Blessings of the Descendants of Ephraim." Improvement Era 68, no. 8 (1965): 678-679.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What of the Witch of Endor and Samuel?" Improvement Era 65, no. 8 (1962): 566-567, 600-601.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Biblical Evidence That Joseph Smith Was Called of God." Improvement Era 61, no. 11 (1958): 808-809, 873-874.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What of the Witch of Endor and Samuel?" Improvement Era 65, no. 8 (1962): 566-567, 600-601.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Two Tables of Stone Written by the Finger of God." Improvement Era 70, no. 1 (1967): 4-5.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Days of Darkness." Improvement Era 62, no. 10 (1959): 728.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Book of Mormon Critics Refuted." Improvement Era 65, no. 12 (1962): 906-907.
Cowdery, Oliver
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Testimonies of the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 948-954.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Three Witnesses." Improvement Era 69, no. 7 (1966): 612, 652.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Continuing Revelation
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Keep the Commandments." Improvement Era 53, no. 12 (1950): 965-966.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Tithing—the Law of the Tenth." Improvement Era 67, no. 6 (1964): 446-447.
Church Organization
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Did the Nephites Have a Church Organization Before the Days of Alma?" Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (1959): 584-585.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Captivities of the Israelites
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away from Israel?" Improvement Era 66, no. 6 (1963): 446-447.
Brother of Jared
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Book of Moses
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men." Improvement Era 59, no. 11 (1956): 782, 879.
Book of Mormon Translation
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation of the Book of Mormon." The Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star 89, no. 38 (1927): 593-595.
Book of Mormon Copyright
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 946-948.
Book of Mormon
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Keep the Commandments." Improvement Era 53, no. 12 (1950): 965-966.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Progression and Retrogression." Improvement Era 22, no. 6 (1919): 465-473.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Did the Nephites Have a Church Organization Before the Days of Alma?" Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (1959): 584-585.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Book of Mormon—A Divine Record." Improvement Era 64, no. 12 (1961): 924-927.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Book of Mormon—A Divine Record." Improvement Era 64, no. 12 (1961): 924-927.
Bible Translation
Smith, Joseph Fielding. ""Multiply and Replenish"." Improvement Era 60, no. 2 (1957): 78-79.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Judgments of the Lord to Pour Forth." Improvement Era 69, no. 12 (1966): 1099-1100.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Origin of the First Vision." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 496-505.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Debt We Owe." Improvement Era 64, no. 11 (1961): 800-801.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "What Is Meant by the Waters Above the Firmament?" Improvement Era 65, no. 10 (1962): 702-703.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Book of Mormon Critics Refuted." Improvement Era 65, no. 12 (1962): 906-907.
Ancient Israel
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was Temple Work Done in the Days of the Old Prophets?" Improvement Era 58, no. 11 (1955): 794.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Was the Fall of Adam Necessary?" Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 230-231.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Is the Garden of Eden?" Improvement Era 64, no. 4 (1961): 216-217.
Adam and Eve
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Adam (Prophet)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Adam's Role in Bringing Us Mortality." Improvement Era 70, no. 12 (1967): 43-44.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Progression and Retrogression." Improvement Era 22, no. 6 (1919): 465-473.
Abrahamic Covenant
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Are the Nations of the Earth Blessed Through Abraham and His Seed?" Improvement Era 61, no. 2 (1958): 80-81, 116.
Abraham (Prophet)
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "How Are the Nations of the Earth Blessed Through Abraham and His Seed?" Improvement Era 61, no. 2 (1958): 80-81, 116.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Urim and Thummim." Improvement Era 57, no. 6 (1954): 382-383.
Aaronic Priesthood
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Priesthood of the Nephites." Improvement Era 59, no. 3 (1956): 142-143.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "Where Did Alma Get His Authority?" Improvement Era 66, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
2 Nephi
Smith, Joseph Fielding. "The Debt We Owe." Improvement Era 64, no. 11 (1961): 800-801.