Writing Paper for the Book of Mormon Manuscript Zobell, Jr., Albert L.. "Writing Paper for the Book of Mormon Manuscript." Improvement Era 72, no. 2 (1969): 54-55.
Some Facts Concerning the Book of Mormon Zobell, Jr., Albert L.. "Some Facts Concerning the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 44, no. 9 (1941): 520.
Early Cumorah Pageants Zobell, Jr., Albert L.. "Early Cumorah Pageants." Improvement Era 71, no. 6 (1968): 24-27.
Where Are the Original Manuscripts? Zobell, Jr., Albert L.. "Where Are the Original Manuscripts?" Improvement Era 63, no. 11 (1960): 802-803, 826, 828.
Romance of the Third Edition of the Book of Mormon Zobell, Jr., Albert L.. "Romance of the Third Edition of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 49, no. 9 (1946): 548-549.