Rahab/Leviathan Shannon, Avram R.. "Rahab/Leviathan." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022.
Judge Shannon, Avram R.. "Judge." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Anathoth Shannon, Avram R.. "Anathoth." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022.
Bronze Serpent Shannon, Avram R.. "Bronze Serpent." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Deuteronomic History Shannon, Avram R.. "Deuteronomic History." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022.
Anointing Shannon, Avram R.. "Anointing." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Seraphim Shannon, Avram R.. "Seraphim." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Prophet Shannon, Avram R.. "Prophet." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022.
Hesed Shannon, Avram R.. "Hesed." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Poetic Parallelism Shannon, Avram R.. "Poetic Parallelism." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2023.
Tribe of Judah Shannon, Avram R.. "Tribe of Judah." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
After Whose Order?: Kingship and Priesthood in the Book of Mormon Shannon, Avram R.. "After Whose Order?: Kingship and Priesthood in the Book of Mormon." BYU Studies Quarterly 60, no. 4 (2021): 75-91.
Baal Shannon, Avram R.. "Baal." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Syria Shannon, Avram R.. "Syria." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Zion Shannon, Avram R.. "Zion." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
The Tabernacle Shannon, Avram R.. "The Tabernacle." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Leprosy Shannon, Avram R.. "Leprosy." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
"Did Evil in the Sight of the Lord" Shannon, Avram R.. ""Did Evil in the Sight of the Lord"." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.
Kingdom of Israel Shannon, Avram R.. "Kingdom of Israel." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. S: Scripture Central, 2023.
“From Dan until Beersheba” Shannon, Avram R.. "“From Dan until Beersheba”." In Old Testament Cultural Insights, edited by Taylor Halverson. Springville, UT: Scripture Central, 2023.