Sixth Principle: The Lord Has Already Planned for His Children's Success Baker, LeGrand L.. "Sixth Principle: The Lord Has Already Planned for His Children's Success." In Joseph and Moroni: The 7 Principles Moroni Taught Joseph Smith, 75-87. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2006.
Seventh Principle: The Lord Provides Whatever Help He Understands We Need Baker, LeGrand L.. "Seventh Principle: The Lord Provides Whatever Help He Understands We Need." In Joseph and Moroni: The 7 Principles Moroni Taught Joseph Smith, 88-107. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2006.
Alma 12:5-6, The Power of an Embrace Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 12:5-6, The Power of an Embrace." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 544-546. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Fourth Principle: Sometimes Prophets Must Make Their Own Decisions Baker, LeGrand L.. "Fourth Principle: Sometimes Prophets Must Make Their Own Decisions." In Joseph and Moroni: The 7 Principles Moroni Taught Joseph Smith, 41-51. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2006.
Fifth Principle: Friendships, However Important, are Not as Important as Keeping God's Commandments Baker, LeGrand L.. "Fifth Principle: Friendships, However Important, are Not as Important as Keeping God's Commandments." In Joseph and Moroni: The 7 Principles Moroni Taught Joseph Smith, 52-74. Provo, UT: Eborn Books, 2006.
Alma 12:3, 'But Thou Hast Lied unto God' Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 12:3, 'But Thou Hast Lied unto God'." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 541-543. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Alma 13:1-9, Premortal Responsibilities and Opportunities to Bless Others Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 13:1-9, Premortal Responsibilities and Opportunities to Bless Others." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 573-582. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Alma 13, Alma Teaches about the Eternal Nature of Priesthood and Kingship Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 13, Alma Teaches about the Eternal Nature of Priesthood and Kingship." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 583-585. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Calling and Election Made Sure, Explained in the Epistles of Peter Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Calling and Election Made Sure, Explained in the Epistles of Peter." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 679-691. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Alma 13, The Quest for Self: To Know the Law of One's Own Being Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 13, The Quest for Self: To Know the Law of One's Own Being." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 564-572. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Alma 14: The Origins of Good and Evil Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 14: The Origins of Good and Evil." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 586-606. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
The Cosmic Mountain Represents the Garden of Eden Baker, LeGrand L.. "The Cosmic Mountain Represents the Garden of Eden." In The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple: Nineteen Classic Temple Characteristics of the Book of Mormon, 32-35. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2012.
The Beatitudes in the Book of Mormon Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "The Beatitudes in the Book of Mormon." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 650-679. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Part I: The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple Baker, LeGrand L.. "Part I: The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple." In The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple: Nineteen Classic Temple Characteristics of the Book of Mormon, 12-23. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2012.
3 Nephi 20, A Review of the Israelite Temple Drama Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "3 Nephi 20, A Review of the Israelite Temple Drama." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 691-696. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Conclusion, The Purpose of the Ancient Israelite Temple Drama Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Conclusion, The Purpose of the Ancient Israelite Temple Drama." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 725-727. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Alma 12, Review of the Feast of Tabernacles Drama Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "Alma 12, Review of the Feast of Tabernacles Drama." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 556-558. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
A Meaning of “Hope” Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "A Meaning of “Hope”." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 710-713. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
The Real Feast of Tabernacles Temple Drama Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. "The Real Feast of Tabernacles Temple Drama." In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 607-630. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Inside the Ancient Temple, Participants are Washed, Anointed, Clothed, Fed, Enthroned, and Symbolically Initiated into the Presence of God Baker, LeGrand L.. "Inside the Ancient Temple, Participants are Washed, Anointed, Clothed, Fed, Enthroned, and Symbolically Initiated into the Presence of God." In The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple: Nineteen Classic Temple Characteristics of the Book of Mormon, 110-113. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2012.