I have a Question: Many non-LDS scholars claim that the second half of the book of Isaiah was written after the time Lehi left Jerusalem. Yet the Book of Mormon contains material from both halves. How do we explain this?


I have a Question: Many non-LDS scholars claim that the second half of the book of Isaiah was written after the time Lehi left Jerusalem. Yet the Book of Mormon contains material from both halves. How do we explain this?



Publication Type

Magazine Article

Year of Publication



L. LaMar Adams (Primary)

Number of Pages


Date Published

October 1984



Issue Number


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Bibliographic Citation

L. LaMar Adams. I have a Question: Many non-LDS scholars claim that the second half of the book of Isaiah was written after the time Lehi left Jerusalem. Yet the Book of Mormon contains material from both halves. How do we explain this?, Ensign, Vol. 14. no. 10 (1984).


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